Monday, December 18, 2017

What Locksmiths Do

Everyone knows to call a locksmith if you need one, but what exactly does that mean? Do you furnish the lock you need first and let him or her install it? If you are locked out of your house do you pay first before he lets you back inside? What if the locksmith you called, doesn’t show up? How long should you wait before calling another technician? Is it rude to ask for license proof? Should you ask for identification or look out for a uniform? If you’ve never used a locksmith service before, you might be intimidated or unwilling to go through what seems like a lot of hassle. But where does that leave you? Why struggle with lockout problems or broken-off keys on your own when professional and affordable locksmith relief if nearby and available 24/7?

24 Hour Elmhurst Locksmith hopes to take the mystery out of calling and using a local locksmith service. Here in Elmhurst, IL we serve our customers with integrity, skill and vigor. We hope to bring the many benefits of professional locksmith care to as many local residents as possible and to encourage those not living here to do the same in their respective communities.

Won’t a handyman be cheaper?
That depends; would you call a handyman to do your taxes or to cook a romantic mean for you? Handymen or local “fix-all” specialists don’t have to be licensed, experienced or bonded. They don’t need to carry insurance or even have a clean background. If all you need are some door knobs changed out, then go ahead and call one but doesn’t it make more sense to use a licensed, bonded and insured locksmith professional if the cost almost comparable? Your locksmith can change those same door knobs and even recommend stronger or better hardware. He can rekey locks, add a deadbolt, make extra keys, spot security problem areas and recommend additional lock hardware to make your life more convenient and safer. Many locksmith shops offer 24-hour emergency service and very affordable service rates along with their mobile convenience and same day appointments.

Home locksmith specialists
A good residential locksmith will not cost any more than using a “normal” one but you can greatly benefit from his or her expertise. From spare key making to video surveillance upgrades, your home locksmith experts can massively help you secure your local residence to a much higher degree. Our Elmhurst lock professionals are background cleared, fully certified and highly experienced. Our mobile locksmith service vehicles bring us directly to your home; much like a doctor’s house call! We can add peepholes, garage door locks, offer lockout assistance, add a gun safe, install high security locksets, lock your mailbox, rekey your home, repair break-in damage and even service your home alarm!

Automotive locksmiths
Most folks think of automotive locksmiths and then associate lockouts with them. This is understandable as so many drivers accidentally lock their keys in the ignition or trunk and have no way to drive anywhere to get a spare. In reality, locksmiths for automotive use do a lot more. We can install a lock on your glove box. Or, we can repair the lock damage that the auto thief caused while trying to break in. We can replace your ignition cylinder or remove that stuck steering wheel lock that just won’t come off. Our locksmith techs can even program and duplicate your transponder key, saving you hundreds of dollars compared to what your car dealer would charge.

Read more on: What Locksmiths Do